Sunday, September 21, 2008

How to Demonstrate Ability to Learn New Software

How do you demonstrate your ability to learn new software to a potential employer?

This is an excellent question and a tricky one to answer. I believe that one of the best tricks for software engineers is proving they know new software. So my answer would be by proving that you've done it before. How? Show that you've been using something like C# for example, since it came out. The savvy hiring managers will be able to see that you learned it on the fly or by taking a class, which you can mention under "Education and Training" on your resume.

Also, the cover letter is a great place to talk about your history of learning new software. I wouldn't spend more than a couple of sentences on it.

The 3rd thing you can do is ask one of your references to comment on your ability to learn. Good references are worth their weight in gold so choose them wisely, keep in touch with them, and notify them when they're going to be called.

You could also get one of your references to write you a reference with this issue addressed on your Linkedin profile and then copy and paste that comment into your cover letter.

One final note: the summary section of the resume is an excellent area to discuss this type of soft skill. Then use the body of the resume to back up your claim. Under each new job you can put your newest Software/Language skills and technology first.

For more resume advice, feel free to get in touch by commenting on this blogpost.

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