Tribune Media Services
DEAR JOYCE: Ten years as a retail pharmacist are enough. Maybe I’ll relocate and open a beach bar. Or teach school. Or start a business. Who knows? After I decide what it is that I want to do, the question becomes how do I make it happen? – H.B.
Consider this unvarnished advice: “If you are going to survive and prosper as a professional over the long haul, you have to pull your head out of the sand — or wherever else you had it stuck — and start getting actively involved in the management of your life.” Read that again.
In these uncertain times, truer words were never spoken. They flow from the keyboard of one of the most influential authors in the career space: Martin Yate, creator of the popular Knock ‘em Dead books.
New guide. In his savvy new paperback, Knock ‘em Dead: Secrets & Strategies for Success in an Uncertain World, Yate — who knows the job-market playbook backwards and forwards — is aided by a star-studded panel of 42 senior recruitment experts.
In an unusual appendix, Yate identifies the 42 experts by name, job title, company, specialization, accreditation, contact data and — drum roll — years of experience! That’s good information.
Yate says the experts share three things in common: “They know what they’re talking about, they don’t pussyfoot around and they each genuinely care.”
Jay Block, one of the expert panelists who also authors best-selling books, endorses Yate’s theme of paying attention to the direction you want your life to take. Block says:
“Turn off the TV — and invest in improving your value to the marketplace. You can’t afford to go to bed as stupid as you woke up. If you do not learn something new every day to become more valuable to the marketplace tomorrow, you will become worth less (worthless).”
Rock solid advice. Whether your concerns are landing the job you want, choosing or changing careers, shoring up job security, climbing the professional ladder, or owning your own business, Martin Yate’s Knock ‘em Dead: Secrets & Strategies for Success in an Uncertain World is the career book of the year. Bet on yourself. — read it.
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